August 28, 2015

movie Fall of the Romanoffs peasant hut

This scene shows the actress Nance O’Neill who starred as the Tsarina Alexandra disguised as a peasant, staying in a hut. While the scenes look “over the top”, the movie company was actually very distinguished- The screenwriter won a Pulitzer Prize in history, the director Herbert Brenon made many famous silent films, including the original Peter Pan.
He turned the set in Ft.Lee into a series of Palace interiors and a peasant Russian village. He hired many Russian immigrants- they were not in short supply in l917, when so many people fled Russia. The actor Ed Connelly who played Rasputin was also a Broadway and silent film star. The movie was produced by $250,000, by Iliodor Pictures, having begun in a deal with Lewis Selznick which Brenon ended to keep 50% of the movie. PerhapsFall of the Romanoffs movie flyer by Brenon rasputin_fall_of_the_romanoffs_thumb most astounding of all, he shot another version in l918 to include the execution of the family.