June 7, 2015

alexandra and baby Tatiana sweet good photo1913 Tatiana with Alex and telephone typhusThe tragedy of the Romanovs was compounded by the early deaths of the family and their attempts to “celebrate” their final birthdays while in captivity in The House of Special Purpose. Almost the entire family had spring into summer birthdates. Only Olga was born in the Fall and of course she never reached that 23rd birthday.
We forget sometimes that even the Tsar and Tsarina were not very old- Alexandra turned 46 and Nicholas just turned 50 weeks before he died.
The birthdays: Nicholas: May 18, Alexandra: June 06, Tatiana, June 10, Anastasia, June 18, Marie June 26 and Alexei August 12th

Alexandra enjoyed a special closeness to her second daughter, Tatiana, who like her was unusually tall and deeply religious- even their birthdays were closest. Alexandra nursed Tatiana back to heath twice- in 1913 from typhus and in l918, from measles when all the children fell gravely ill.