January 13, 2016

The Romanovs' Last Imperial Ball- 1700s costumes 19031913 BallWhich  Romanov Ball was the last? One was  held in 1902, the other in 1913- to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty. Both balls were costume balls, featured dress from the 17th century. Both balls were held in The Winter Palace in St.Petersburg. The difference? The experts say that the 1903 WAS the last “Imperial Ball” as the Romanovs themselves held the party- Technically in 1913, the nobility held the Ball to honor the Romanovs. They were both lavish with elegant dinners, too two days and featured all the Who’s Who of Royal Russia and the entertainment such as Anna Pavlova. The dances began with the Polonaise waltz. It is the 1913 Ball that is so opulently recreated in an uninterrupted film shoot- in the famous Russian film The Russian  Ark. Olga and Tatiana were old enough to attend and dance in 1913- They wore beautiful ball gowns.

Olga Romanov in costume 1913stunning portrait of Olga and Tatiana in fancy dresses Olga and Tatian 1913 Ball GownsHere is the link to tyhe  extraordinary Russian film, The Russian Ark, the only film ever to be made in a single take- thousands of actors, 33 rooms in the Hermitege…the ball of 1903 is recreated in all its splendor in this spectacular continuous shot! It’s unprecedented: and opulent:

